Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Joy of an Electric Fan

After four months of being in the same apartment... and about two weeks of sweating 24 hours a day... Finally we got 1 Fan. Its only one... buy how great it is. I learned a few things this week. Mexican Karaoke does not sound good when trying to go to sleep, and when mixed with alcohol... imagine. Second. Never thought I would give a dog a bath :) Glad I had a little experience with that. It’s funny - my companion jokingly said "If you need any help... mop, broom, wash you dog...we are here to serve..." Yeah they accepted. My companion said "I’m not going to wash their dog".... wait..Why offer? So I washed their dog :) An experience. I also took apart the inside of a car and made emergency cookies. Cookies that with one cookie... you last the whole day without food. It was pretty fun, I never knew there was such a thing :) Most importantly this week we had a baptism. Hna Maura she is 26 years old and has a goal to read the Book of Mormon before her confirmation this domingo (Sunday). What a goal! She also expressed she would like to serve a mission. It’s something special to hear that. It was also very special to fill the baptismal font with buckets. Long story short the pump broke and the other option is buckets! She had a fear of water going into her ears.. took a leap of faith and was baptised three times! What torture :)
Something else muy special this week is it was the first time I have heard any investigator say " Hazme sentir de la veracidad del libro de mormon" "Help me feel of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon" WOW! Has been an investigator two weeks and is now reading in Enos.... I guess that’s alright. It was special this week, Jessica Barajas, recent convert of three weeks bore her testimony, something very special to be a part of. Another special part of church this week was that an hermana Ramirez and Hna Lourdes came to church. Haven’t been to church in four years! What a suprise. Its nice to see some of your work pay off.
Having just a grand ole time with my friends here in Mexico :) Love you all and am soo greatful for all that you’ve done for me. Miss you and love you. Peace
Elder Rhodes

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