Sunday, January 15, 2012

I am Blessed

I don’t have much time today either... we’re going to a sweet old refinery called the "parque fundidora" it’s super famous and I’ve seen algunas fotos. Check it out if you’ve got the time. I love our climb up the mountain and it was a learning time for me in my life... at first... as a deceiving mountain... it looks like the top is so close so we decided little by little to keep climbing. The people with whom we were going stopped every five minutes to chat and se if they wanted to turn back. One of my companions and I wanted to go to the top... As Lehonti says "Fixed with a determined resolution" got us to the top. And I guess you could say my "Piedras, papeles, tijeras" (paper, rock, scissors) skilles helped to win the decision and first Elder Parra and I went to the top and then we came down like a mile and told them what they would be missing and then I hiked back up to show them the way. There were no trails and it was super sweet. I was super exhausted as it was Monday and we hadn’t bought food yet... so the fridge was empty... Of course I have no regrets and neither do all who climbed to the top. I hope you enjoy the pictures and thanks for the letters.
I’m extremely happy this week. Transfers are next week and we’ve been working really hard to prepare a few people for baptism. We found some great people that are really open to listen and learn... and put in their part to receive an answer. In the words of Ben Harper "I Am Blessed To be A Witness" With love

Elder Shaun Rhodes

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