Monday, December 26, 2011

Merry Christmas.​...its really hot

Hello to all!
What a week! Things are just "tranquilopa" here, we are working hard and starting to see the fruits of our work! Yesterday at church, we saw many miracles happen. We worked all week getting people excited for church and for preparation for baptism at the beginning of January. On Sunday morning, we went looking for people with a young man in our branch, and he was able to walk to church with 2 investigators, then we had 5 other new and less active members bring an additional 5 investigators to church! The branch is becoming super missionary oriented, and its been great to see the small tender mercies of the Lord here, such as help from members to bring people to church! We had 39 people there too, which was a little bit of an improvement, given that we have been flirting around 30 for the last few months. We always try our best to be diligent in our work, and it always feels great to see some fruits of our labors.
This last Thursday we had the "Mission Christmas Party" in a city, where many of the Elders from far away from Asunción went. We made this Christmas cards, went caroling in a nearby hospital, ate a big lunch, and then headed back to our areas. It was fun to be there and see a few missionary friends, and serve in this special time of the year.
So, that might have been the coolest thing I have ever heard! My trainer, Elder Olson was able to meet the family this week. You about made me cry when I saw that picture! What a cool moment for all of us, he has been a great example in my life.   
Tonight is changes, and so I will be hearing who my new comp is (my local comp. is going home for Christmas).  This afternoon, we went to have a huge fancy lunch with Elder Colligan and some other missionaries, its been a blessing to be so close to him for so much time of my mission.
 I am loving my daily study in the Book of Mormon. In Helaman 5, there is a story about a cloud of darkness that covers the people and they become scared and don't know what to do so that the cloud can be taken away. Today, we all pass through personal "clouds of darkness" spiritually, and we all have had that feeling of being "cast out forever", due to sin, trials, neglect, denial, depression, etc. So, the prophet Abinadab (that's his name in Spanish, I think its the same in English) tells them to repent and to pray with faith, so that the cloud departs. They were obedient, and eventually the cloud was taken away from them. In verse 46 and 47 it talks about a pleasing voice, or prompting, that came upon them, as a feeling of peace, because of their faith. We all have trials, but if we just repent, pray with faith, and endure till the end, the Lord has promised that those "clouds of darkness" will leave, and we will be restored to peace. I love the whole message of the Book of Mormon, it has strengthened my faith in the Lord, brought me to repentance, and helped me pass through all those trials and clouds that I have had in my life. Read it! It will change your life.
Have a Merry Christmas, pray for us, and don't let the real meaning of Christmas be forgotten in this special time of the year!
Until next week,
Elder Babcock

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